Have you ever been to the Ron Jon Surf Shop? Saturday was our first time.
We have been in Orlando, Florida, for a week of intensive training for our work with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We had to get away, just to clear our heads a bit. The first break in the schedule was Saturday, after a training session that ended at 10 am. Some of us elected to head for Cocoa Beach - only about an hour away.
Lo and behold, as we pulled up to the beach parking lot, the skies opened. We ate our lunch standing under a small gazebo-type pavilion. Even then we got wet. So we decided to head for the only dry space around - Ron Jon's. It's a mega-mart of surf wear (and a few surfboards). T-shirts start at about $20. (We walked away empty-handed.)
But I was amused to hear some surf-rock played by a band inside, live! They were pretty good.
After spending some time at Ron Jon's, we decided to do what we came for - swim in the Atlantic. It was great! Very few people ventured out onto the beach, thinking they would get wet. We
wanted to get wet, so we frolicked in the waves - and thankfully were not struck by lightning.