It is my belief that guitars are neither Christian nor Buddhist nor Atheist. Guitars don't have souls. (Some would argue with me on that point.)
It's the guitar player that has a spiritual life. (And it's the guitar player that adds life to a guitar - or music.)
Apparently we have Christian Guitars here in town. I saw a poster the other day for Christian Guitar Lessons. My question is, are the guitars Christian, or the chords. hmm....
An Arkies Musings
Maybe they have been baptised?? People can sure spend money on dopey advertising!
Paul, Recently a good friend of mine (and old drinking buddy) revealed her joy and ecstasy for joining her church's "Praise Band"... she also now loves "Christian Rock." I don't know what that means! I can't imagine limiting my lyrics/musical choices to only one subject... least of all one that would be under such scrutiny.
Here's an existential question for you then: Is it "Christian" for the Christian guitar group to disallow non-Christian guitarists in their group?"
ARGH my head hurts! (-:
Thanks for the comments, all.
Elizabeth - I don't have a good answer. Off the top of my head, I'd say it would be an unloving thing for the group to exclude the non-Christian. It's one thing if he were singing words of love to Jesus and he didn't mean them, but playing guitar as backup? Not a problem to me, unless he has a negative persona that is dragging everyone down.
Just in case you need to know, they have Christian birdhouses at Mardel. :)
On a more serious note, the talk about guitar players made me think of something. At Ryan's farm, which is an organization run by Christians, they hold devotionals every morning. They're not required, but most everyone attends, and one person leads each day. Ryan said there's a guy who isn't a believer, but he still attends. On his day, recently, he talked about jazz. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. What a great, accepting environment for that guy to explore what it means to live as a Christian.
guitars have souls :)
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