Friday, August 31, 2007

I got a "G"

A site-rater gave me a "G" - but flagged me for saying "kill". Here's the sentence I used it in: "I have made a pledge to go through some of my collections and kill them off."

Pretty G. I'll avoid saying "kill" next time. ("Destroy" them might be better?)


Marti said...

Hmmm... mine gets a "G" as well, though two uses of the word "murder" and one of the word "death" were noted! So I tried Courtney's too, thinking some of her human-trafficking posts might make a difference. Two uses of 'rape' and one of 'breast' got her a PG!

Hmm, does the site include comments? If this one drives your rating up, feel free to delete it!

Mark Tatum said...

well now you have used "kill" 3 times in the same blog entry so you might get reported.

The Lone Beader® said...

Mine is rated G, too, but flagged me for the word 'death'. LOL.

Lora_3 said...

G is for GREAT!


Be safe...