Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I knew I wasn't in Nairobi anymore

Back to the floods in Texas...

It was actually raining enough in Texas that people started carrying umbrellas. So stores started providing these special bags for customers to put their wet umbrellas into.

Nakumatt in Kenya would not provide such a thing. And it would be appropriate there, as rain is more common in Nairobi than in San Antonio - at least during Kenya's rainy seasons.

But there is an alternative, at least in Kenya. Many Chinese umbrellas there come with collapsable plastic cup-like covers - so the wetness is contained.


edwardpughphoto said...

I hear that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Is that the case in Texas? Thinking about it, is there anything other than 'plain' in Texas?

The Lone Beader® said...

Just what the world needs... more trash... Yea. Target really cares...

paulmerrill said...

Texas actually has mountains rising to near 10,000', deserts, pine forests, beaches, swamps - and plains.

edwardpughphoto said...

Sorry for my ignorance of the 2nd largest state of the US. I get my info from Spaghetti Westerns (not a wholly reliable source).