My dad came across a booklet promoting the English town of Derby - from a garage sale in Wichita Falls, Texas, undoubtedly. The publication was dated 1947.
I don't know why he bought the booklet. I don't know why I saved it. (Well, actually, I didn't. After scanning this ad, it went to the grand recycling center in the sky - alias the happy hunting ground for old unwanted magazines.)
Shame, if you'd still got it I could get you to post it to my Dad for his 70th birthday. Maybe I can find one from 1938 somewhere.
Ah, yes, we do the scanning and shredding thing for old bills and accounts. They're important to keep but the original is not so urgent. And when you dig through papers, you don't know what you'll find.
Shame, if you'd still got it I could get you to post it to my Dad for his 70th birthday. Maybe I can find one from 1938 somewhere.
Ah, yes, we do the scanning and shredding thing for old bills and accounts. They're important to keep but the original is not so urgent.
And when you dig through papers, you don't know what you'll find.
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