From the top:
a) Littleton, Colorado - the sunset out our front door.
b) Grave marker in England.
c) Pancakes.
d) Reno, Nevada.
e) The 2003 Denver snowstorm - that's our picnic table!
I tag Eddie: 5 most memorable restaurant experiences. Marti: 5 most relaxing vacation moments. Barb: 5 best home-schooling moments. Richard: 5 best grandparent times. (All - don't feel like you have to participate.)
That's quite the eclectic mix there. I will get around to my assignment in a couple of days.
An Arkie's Musings
hmm, not sure I can do that. relaxing vacation moments? the stressful ones come to mind so much more quickly - uncomfortable and bewildering places, companions who want to blast the A/C, stay up /sleep in until all hours, fights over what to do, the things we go to visit being closed - vacation is no fun. No wonder I avoid it! But, wait, then, maybe I need such an assignment to help adjust my thinking on this...
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