Heather's comment was that it reminded her of some of the reasons she fell in love with me - the quirkiness of the designers and their perspectives made her think of me.
My old Adidas Rom shoes made me think of Helvetica. They are a classic and timeless style.
Adidas no longer makes them anymore. Back in about 1985, I somehow knew they were going to be discontinued, so I bought about three pairs. The last pair is still going, though they are worn in places that sadly can't be repaired.
Adidas was originally a German company. Swiss design and German design are sometimes related. In the case of Helvetica, the type designer was Swiss, but he worked for a German company.
As to Helvetica, I must side with the designers who are bored with the typeface and pretty much ban it from any use.
I love those shoes!! I wish they would make more like them...
Great movie. Ian rented it at Christmas. The band that did the soundtrack are friends of Alec's . I saw them live at a Christian Coffee House. It is like watching a magic act. Check it out:
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