Monday, October 01, 2007

Amazon's iTunes

Yes, now has a music store like iTunes. You have to download their application that facilitates the downloads. But they have a lot of 89c songs - which are not protected (like all of iTunes' 99c downloads are.

On my first try, I came across a free Apples in Stereo song. But does anyone out there have some kind of a link to all their free music?

(By the way, the pic is not an album - it's just for a single song. And ya gotta understand Hindi.)

1 comment:

jasonjyee said...

in addition to being cheaper than itunes and DRM-free, amazon's mp3s are sampled at 256kbps VBR (variable bit rate, so the 256kbps is an average)... which means it's much higher quality than apple's 160kbps AAC