Friday, October 26, 2007

Apple software coupons

Has anyone out there ever been able to use one of these Apple software coupons?

Maybe if you take one to your nearest Apple Store, they will let you surf the internet for free... oops, they already do that.

[By the way, today is the launch of the new Apple operating System - 10.5, alias Leopard. For a mere $129, you can bring your Mac into the latest realm of computerness. I'm gonna wait.]


Dave Moody said...

Got the t-shirt. I was hoping for something Appleish and understated... nope. Total geek T-shirt. Ah well...

Bob A said...

I've had a ton of those coupons over the last 21 years -- never found a use for a single one of them.

The Lone Beader® said...

I need a coupon for the iphone... :)