Saturday, January 05, 2008

Remember the game of tag?

Well, I have been tagged. And that's a good thing.

My good friend Dave Moody tagged me. The intent? To quote Barb (Dave's wife) who was quoting someone else, "We look outside ourselves and bless, praise and pray for one blog friend. By participating in this endeavour we not only make the recipient of the blessing feel valued and appreciated, but we are having some fun too."

Dave has been a huge blessing to me, particularly during our period of transition from life in Kenya to this life in suburbia. And he has blessed me countless times over the roughly nine years we have known each other.

So I'm passing that blessing on to these friends, in no particular order:

Jon Swanson: We have met only through blogging - through our mutual blog buddy Chris Brogan. Jon is a pastor in Indiana who pastors more than just his physical flock; he has a virtual flock who are blessed by his regular writings on his blog. I am blessed in that way!

Eddie Arthur: We have met face-to-face. And we share our "company" - Wycliffe Bible Translators. Our paths have crossed a few times over the years, since we have both lived in England and Africa. But primarily we have shared via blogging. I appreciate Eddie's fresh perspective - particularly since he is not a North American.

I'm kinda cheating, because the original deal was "one blog friend" - but I can't do this without mentioning Marti, Rob S., Rob L., Mark, Heather, Artie, Ed, Julie, Josh, Courtney, Chris, Bob, and John & Amy. I'd urge you to visit them all!

1 comment:

Jon Swanson said...

i'll be playing in a day or two, I promise. in a game of lost and found at the moment. But thanks for the tap. I felt it.